2018 UCAP Conference

Closing Keynote - How Pornography Harms: The Latest Research

Closing Keynote - How Pornography Harms: The Latest Research

Dr. John Foubert

As a scholar studying the harms of pornography, Dr. Foubert is up to speed on all of the most recent, cutting edge research on how pornography harms people and society. In this session, Dr. Foubert will engage us with a lively presentation on the newest data documenting the harms of pornography. We will all leave having understood more about the devastating impact of pornography. We will also be armed with new ways to engage both skeptics and people who understand that pornography harms. Don’t miss this chance to be enlightened, informed, and empowered!

Dr. John Foubert serves as an Endowed Professor of College Student Development at Oklahoma State University. Recently, he took on a collateral assignment as the Highly Qualified Expert and Senior Advisor for the U.S. Army Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention program. For this position, he works at the Pentagon monthly to help the Army prevent sexual violence.

Dr. Foubert earned his undergraduate degree in Psychology and Sociology from the College of William and Mary, his Master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Richmond, and his Ph.D. in College Student Personnel Administration from the University of Maryland at College Park. He is an interdisciplinary scholar with over 50 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Foubert has written seven books about the prevention of sexual violence on college campuses and in the military, and two about managing life in college residence halls. His current book, How Pornography Harms, describes what teens, young adults, parents, and pastors need to know to protect the millennial generation from the public health harms of pornography.

For 20 years, Dr. Foubert served as founder and President of the national rape-prevention nonprofit, One in Four. Currently, he serves on the national board of directors for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. Dr. Foubert has testified Congress and has been called upon by the White House and the Pentagon for his expertise in rape prevention. He speaks at and consults with colleges and the military regularly about the harms of pornography and how to end sexual violence. He regularly appears in the national media on camera or in print in outlets such as CNN, The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Houston Chronicle, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, and U.S. News and World Report. Find out more at www.johnfoubert.com