2019 Salt Lake City UCAP Conference
Understanding Betrayal Trauma and Finding Your Own Path of Healing
This presentation will focus on betrayal trauma. The audience will be educated on what betrayal trauma is and the different ways it may affect an individual. Personal experience, research, poetry, and testimonials will be used to give a snapshot into what it feels like to experience trauma. Symptoms, conditions, and complications will be discussed. The presentation will also educate the audience on what is required to recover from betrayal trauma. Specific recommendations will be made to clearly outline the pathway to healing.
Rhyll Croshaw
Rhyll Croshaw is Vice-president and co-founder of SA Lifeline Foundation. She is also author of What Can I Do About Me? Healing from Trauma from my Husband’s Pornography and Sexual Addiction. Rhyll has over 30 years of experience living with addiction and over 10 years of experience living in recovery from betrayal trauma. She continues to work her recovery through working the 12 Steps as the foundation of her personal life. She currently lives in Mapleton, Utah with her husband Steven. Shame is a universal emotion that we all experience. Shame tells us that we are not enough and that nobody will love us if they see our weaknesses. In addiction and betrayal trauma, learning to identify and respond to the experience of Shame is key to finding long-term healing and success in recovery.
Becky Moller
Becky Moller is the new Executive Director of S.A. Lifeline Foundation. She has been married for 16 years and working recovery from Betrayal Trauma for almost 5 years. She has actively managed and contributed weekly to the S.A. Lifeline Women’s Blog for over a year, and her articles have been seen by thousands who are seeking recovery from betrayal trauma.