Congratulations to the 50 elementary schools in Utah that have been awarded this grant.  We are excited that you have taken advantage of this opportunity to teach your students how to be safe online and in life. 

Even though there are no grants left, we want to help more schools.  White Ribbon Week is offering a 10% discount on all materials to any school that uses the discount code UCAP upon checkout.

Give your students a fighting chance against pornography!

Utah Coalition Against Pornography is excited to offer elementary schools within the state of Utah a grant opportunity to bring a White Ribbon Week program to your school!

Grant Awarded: Grant valued at $500 to fifty selected schools ($250 in White Ribbon Week program materials and $250 discretionary funds to facilitate your White Ribbon Week).

UCAP Mission: Empowering individuals, strengthening families, and uniting organizations in the fight against pornography through education and collaboration.

The age in which children are exposed to pornography continues to fall. Some research reporting the average age when this exposure occurs as young as 8 years old. Many of these experiences happen for children through the technology they access so easily and readily. Identifying the potential dangers of technology and introducing safety practices is essential in protecting the well-being of children.

To assist with this effort to empower and protect Utah’s children, Utah Coalition Against Pornography is sponsoring grants to elementary schools to conduct a White Ribbon Week focused on the digital citizenship and online safety using the “I’ve Got the Power” program.

White Ribbon Week’s “I’ve Got the Power!” program positively addresses:

  • Cyberbullying
  • Personal safety
  • Indecent media
  • Scams and deceptive media
  • Violent media

If all children across the country could be exposed to this innovative program, we would have a fighting chance of curbing cyberbullying and Internet addiction, and promoting positive digital citizenship.

Jill Manning, Ph.D.

Mental Health Professional

Grant Goals

  • Empower 30,000 kids with pro-technology messages and skills to keep them safe online and teach them how to be a better student, friend, consumer, and community member.
  • Empower 3,000 adults with skills to help children navigate the digital space with confidence and develop healthy attitudes towards media and technology.

Grant Application and Requirements

Each application will require the following information:

  • Elementary school name, address, principal and principal contact information
  • Name and contact information of Program Organization (who is going to be organizing and running the program on campus)
  • Number of classrooms on campus that will need materials
  • Number of students on campus that will need materials
  • Proposed dates program is to be held – these can change if needed
  • Basic program outline and budget

Each school awarded a UCAP grant will be required to:

  • Complete the White Ribbon Week program “I’ve Got the Power!” within the 2018-2019 school year.
  • $250 of each grant will be used to purchase the “I’ve Got the Power” bundle of needed materials. The other $250 can be used for consumable materials as part of the program.
  • Include parent outreach efforts as part of the White Ribbon Week program. Ideas for parent meetings are included in the materials.
  • Participate in an electronic parent feedback form provided by UCAP. A 10% response rate is needed. A link will be provided to the school and we ask that you use your resources to distribute the link a few different times to parents of students. Our funding source is dependent on quantifiable outcomes. This parent feedback is one quantifiable outcome we can track.
  • Complete and submit the required summary report, including a financial report of how money was spent within 30 days of completed program.


Applicant schools must be within the state of Utah. All grants for schools meeting that criteria will be awarded on a first come, first served basis.

“I’ve Got the Power” Bundle ($250 of the $500 grant) includes:

  • 2 Facilitation Guides (used by the program manager)
  • 1 Discussion Guide for each teacher
  • 1 Bookmark for each student
  • 1 Banner – 36” X 72”
  • 1 Empowered Children Poster
  • 4 Power Boost Posters

Bundles can be picked up from the Utah State PTA office in Murray, Utah, or shipped to your location for $25. Additional supporting materials can be purchased from White Ribbon Week at the time the grant is awarded. These materials can be selected and shipped with your bundle.

The $250 discretionary funds must be used to enhance your White Ribbon Week as decided by your school.  You may wish to use the funds for:

  • Additional materials purchased from White Ribbon Week
  • Assemblies
  • Treats or prizes for lunchtime activities
  • Parent meeting
  • To provide your library with the following four recommended books in an effort to support children, educators, and families in the fight against pornography.

Grants will be awarded as qualifying applications are received.


Congratulations to the 50 elementary schools in Utah that have been awarded this grant.  We are excited that you have taken advantage of this opportunity to teach your students how to be safe online and in life. 

Even though there are no grants left, we want to help more schools.  White Ribbon Week is offering a 10% discount on all materials to any school that uses the discount code UCAP upon checkout.