You Can’t Do It Alone, and That’s Okay: The Game-Changing Role of Support Systems

You Can’t Do It Alone, and That’s Okay: The Game-Changing Role of Support Systems

Facilitated by: Stephen Moore

Emotional isolation is a key component to becoming trapped in addiction, both for addicts and their family members. Our increasingly disconnected culture, coupled with the shame and stigma of addiction, provide not only a setup for our falling into the addiction trap; they are also block us from finding true recovery.

The latest evidence is pointing more and more to connection as the true solution to addiction and betrayal trauma recovery. Come join us for a panel discussion, moderated by Stephen Moore, involving therapists, addicts and partners of addicts as we have a candid and open discussion regarding the role that connection with outside support systems play in the recovery journey. You will have the opportunity to ask questions from those who have walked the recovery road themselves. Attendees will learn ways in which developing healthy connection is a cornerstone to real recovery. You can’t do it alone, and that’s okay! You were never meant to.

Stephen Moore is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has a strong background in addiction-related treatment and program development, having overseen intensive outpatient programs in both the fields of chemical and sexual addiction for the past 10 years. His experience with the individual, familial and societal implications of sex and pornography addiction makes him passionate about the need for education and intervention. Stephen has presented to various audiences and appeared in local media discussing the treatment of sexual addiction, the effects of addiction on intimate relationships, and the journey of recovery.

As a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), Certified Multiple Addictions Therapist (CMAT), and as a sex addict in successful recovery himself, Stephen provides a unique treatment methodology. His intimate knowledge of the “addict’s world,” coupled with extensive specialized training, provides a fresh and down-to-earth approach for those struggling with addiction and their spouses. He owns Ascension Counseling in American Fork, Utah, a private practice focusing exclusively on sex addiction-related issues and betrayal trauma recovery for individuals and couples. (www.ascensioncounselingutah.com)

Stephen is the co-founder and co-host of the weekly, live, online interactive recovery program, “Perfectly Broken Together”, where addicts, spouses and couples receive the raw, real help they need in healing from the effects of porn and sex addiction (www.perfectlybrokentogether.com) Stephen is also the co-author of The Pornography Paradox: Why LDS Men Are Too Often Trapped in Sexual Addiction and How to Break Free, which was released at the 2018 UCAP Conference. (www.thepornographyparadox.com)