How do we establish our values concerning pornography and the way we want to live our values?
Pornography has deeply impacted the social landscape singles face. Consequently, many singles have valid and pressing questions about this issue and wonder how to navigate a healthy and fulfilling path despite it – especially when it comes to relationships.
This clip was taken from Dr. Jill Manning’s presentation at the Utah Coalition Against Pornography Conference on April 18, 2015.
Jill C. Manning, Ph.D. is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist who specializes in research and clinical work related to pornography and its impact on families. She is a former Social Science Fellow at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., and has testified about the harms of pornography before a Senate sub-committee. She has been featured in numerous radio and television programs, and is the author of various academic journal articles, as well as a book and two audio CDs for Deseret Book. Originally from Alberta, Canada, she currently lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband and two daughters.