2018 UCAP Conference
What Doesn't Kill You: Posttraumatic Growth in an Age of Trauma
Dorothy Maryon
Nietzsche once wrote “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” This presentation explores the psychology of survival and how it applies to those who have experienced betrayal trauma and heartbreak. It presents observations of change and growth that are sometimes overlooked in the aftermath of trauma and it attempts to help participants begin to recognize and reconstruct their own journey of healing.
Dorothy Maryon is a full time practicing Clinical Mental Health Counselor at the LifeStar Salt Lake Clinic specializing in partner’s issues associated with sexual addiction and compulsivity.
Since 2007 she has focused on Women’s issues and has pivotally shaped the LifeStar protocol for women in significant trauma from their partner’s addictive behaviors in official curriculum, individual, couples, and group therapies.
An accomplished leader and speaker, she presents at many prominent conferences on topics such as betrayal trauma; creating safety; shame and resilience; posttraumatic growth; “what happy couples know”; and sexual addiction and compulsivity.
In addition to her clinical practice, Dorothy is a cofounder of SOL: Healing Through Action which offers specialized retreats for women and couples that actively address healthy living through and beyond recovery.
Dorothy lives in Salt Lake City where she swims, bikes, and deeply loves her three children, and three grandchildren.