Healing Through Christ
The Healing Through Christ Foundation seeks to provide educational materials to help relieve the suffering and enhance the spiritual and emotional health of those affected by the disease of addiction.
Who We Serve
Men, Women, Adults, Teens, Children, Parents, Spouses & Partners, Family Members, Mental Health Professionals, Church Leaders.
Services We Offer
We offer Christ centered 12-Step material for those affected by the disease of sexual addiction. Specifically, we offer a family support workbook, and groups, for female family members of men who struggle with pornography. We also offer 12-Step material, and groups, for men, women, and teens who personally struggle with different aspects of sexual addiction.
Our workbooks are compilations of the wisdom of men and women walking the path of recovery, the testimony of General Authorities, as well as statistical and scientific findings from experts in the field of addiction. We bear witness of the glorious rescue our Savior offers, and of the healing and redemptive power of His Atonement. Above all, we carry the message that through our Savior, Jesus Christ, there is always hope.
Healing Through Christ has changed my life. Before going to my first meeting and reading that first wonderful Step, I was completely lost in the darkness, filled with so much shame. But then I read my first sweet words from the workbook, and little by little, light started to trickle into my life.