2020 Salt Lake City UCAP Conference
How Emotional Health Heals Porn Addiction
Sathiya Sam
Pornography addiction is on the rise in our society today, with pornography viewership becoming affordable, accessible and anonymous. Like most forms of addiction, the behavior itself is symptomatic of deeper underlying issues that must be resolved to achieve any degree of long-term freedom. In this session, we’ll discuss how destructive emotional patterns and wounds are often major contributing factors to issues with pornography and explore proven tools that provide healing and restoration.
Sathiya Sam is a pastor, entrepreneur and coach with a passion to see people come alive. A brilliant communicator and clever innovator, Sathiya has created music, books and courses to help people around the world live a life of freedom.
DeepClean™, a program that helps men overcome pornography addiction, is Sathiya’s most recent work, which centers on emotional fitness, self-worth and healthy core beliefs. He is recently married, and based out of Toronto, Canada.