Russell C. Gaede, PsyD

Russell C. Gaede, PsyD

Executive Director, Life Enhancement Center

Russell Gaede holds a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling, a Post-Masters Certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He has been a guest on several television and radio shows discussing pornography. He also co-authored a pornography recovery manual and has developed an acronym to help individuals overcome their pornography use.

Pornography addiction & recovery
Teaching children and teens

Utah Valley

Past presentations:
Using Psychological Science to Conquer the 6 “C’s” of Addiction, Utah Valley University Conference on Addiction 2014
Raising Your Children with a Healthy Sense of Sexuality, BYU-I Education Week 2012, 2013
PURIFY Your Behavior and Soul, BYU-I Education Week 2012
Addictions and Mental Health, Mountain Morning Show – Park City Television (May 24, 2012)
Local Doctor Talks about Fighting Pornography and Addiction,  Good Morning Utah – ABC 4 (November 4, 2011)
PURIFY: Overcoming Difficulties in Your Life,  The Don and Kim Show (September 17, 2011)
Helping Ourselves or Others Through Recovery; The Tragedy of Pornography, BYU-I Education Week, 2011


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