2020 Salt Lake City UCAP Conference

Understanding Bounderies through the Lens of Self-Compassion

When we are living close to someone in life-crippling behavior, we often feel powerless. We feel our choices have been taken from us, and there is nothing we can do to stop the chaos around us. Learning that we do have the choice to live within our own values and boundaries is an empowering revelation.

But learning how to use healthy boundaries in practice often feels confusing. What is the difference between manipulating, punishing, pouting, and holding a healthy boundary?

When we learn to view ourselves with honesty and self-compassion, we awaken to our deepest truth. This place of self-love and deep-knowing is the birthplace of healthy boundaries in all relationships and all aspects of our lives.

This presentation will help you reframe boundaries into a commitment to honor your pain, your values, and your highest Self. It will help you see your loved one from a place of empathy and shared humanity, without dismissing your trauma. AND it will give you practical tools and examples to show how boundaries work in the real world.

Rhyll Croshaw is vice president and cofounder of S.A. Lifeline Foundation. She is also author of What Can I Do About Me? Healing from Trauma from my Husband’s Pornography and Sexual Addiction. Rhyll has over 30 years of experience living with addiction and over ten years of experience living in recovery from betrayal trauma. She continues to work her recovery through working the 12 Steps as the foundation of her personal life. She currently lives in Mapleton, Utah with her husband Steven.

Becky Moller is the executive director of S.A. Lifeline Foundation. She has been married for 16 years and working recovery from betrayal trauma for almost five years. She has actively managed and contributed weekly to the S.A. Lifeline Women’s Blog for over a year, and her articles have been seen by thousands who are seeking recovery from betrayal trauma.