View this conversation with veteran therapist Dan Gray and Steven and Rhyll Croshaw, a couple who is successfully overcoming the challenges of pornography and sexual addiction. They share their story of recovery as individuals and in their marriage. The Croshaws are the founders of SA Lifeline. Rhyll recently released her book, What Can I Do About Him/Me: Healing from the Trauma of My Husband’s Pornography and Sexual Addiction.
Dan Gray, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker specializing in addictions counseling. He has a master’s degree in social work and is a CSAT (Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist). He is also certified as an addictions counselor with the National Association of Forensic Counselors. He maintains a busy private practice, lecturing regularly and providing training and consultation to numerous civic, religious, and professional organizations throughout the country. He is the clinical director of the LifeSTAR Network program, which provides help for individuals and couples who are dealing with problems related to sexual addictions and compulsive behaviors. He has co-authored and edited 2 books: Confronting Pornography: A Guide to Prevention and Recovery for Individuals, Loved Ones, and Leaders and Discussing Pornography Problems with a Spouse: Confronting and Disclosing Secret Behaviors. Dan is married and the father of four. He enjoys fly fishing, hiking, biking, and basically, anything outdoors.
Steven and Rhyll Croshaw are founders of SA Lifeline Foundation and community advocates. S.A. Lifeline is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to providing hope, education, and resources related to pornography and sexual addiction recovery and the related betrayal trauma healing. S.A. Lifeline is responsible for publishing and distributing “He Restoreth My Soul” and produced “Understanding Pornography and Sexual Addiction”, “Protecting Families” and “What Can I Do About Me?”. Steven and Rhyll are frequent speakers at community and church events in many cities across the nation. They offer their personal, firsthand account and learning experiences that have shaped and refined their shared recovery.
Steven is a commercial real estate developer. He served as a Founding Trustee and Chair of the Board of Trustees of Utah Festival Opera Company in Logan, Utah.
Rhyll is the author of, “ What Can I Do About Me? Healing From the Trauma of My Husband’s Pornography and Sexual Addiction”. Rhyll graduated from Brigham Young University at the relatively young age of 58, where she earned a BS degree in Family life.