Yes Clinics

Yes Clinics is founded upon the principle that all humans are worthy of compassion, love, and connection. Our goal is to create healing, communication, and deep life-long connection.

Who We Serve

Teens, Parents, Family Members, Church Leaders

Services We Offer

We work with youth, young adults, and family systems in Same Sex Attraction and Pornography Addiction. We are on the cutting edge of working with ever-increasing Immersive Technology Addictions (Virtual Reality, Mobile Media and Gaming Addictions). We have 1000’s of hours of experience not just working with individuals but creating connection among the family system. The core of healing resides in creating deep internal worth, compassion, and family connection.

We are often asked what we do with Same Sex Attraction. Our answer is: We help teens and young adults with SSA and their parents connect, communicate, and thrive. No one is a mistake and we all deserve to be loved no matter our race, gender, or sexual orientation. Navigating the waters of SSA in today’s confusing world often requires compassionate help.


Therapist: Rob Robison

For more information contact Tony Rhoton
396 East 60 South
American Fork, Utah 84003

Yes Clinics


YES – Your Empowering Solutions

As an ecclesiastical leader, I many times have felt inadequate when there is a need for in depth counseling. Since my introduction to the YES program I have seen the change it has made in lives. It provides confidence where it is lacking as individuals are able to overcome behaviors that have been debilitating in the past. I highly recommend YES.

LDS Bishop