Utah Coalition Against Pornography

Call for Presenters

2020 Conference · March 28, 2020 · Salt Palace Convention Center · Salt Lake City, Utah

Utah Coalition Against Pornography is now accepting presentation proposals for the 2020 conference in Salt Lake City.  The UCAP conference attracts community leaders, members, and mental health professionals and those in related fields interested in learning about how to keep themselves, their families, and communities safe from the harmful effects of pornography.

The 2020 conference, “ENVISION HEALTHY CONNECTION,” hopes to attract presentations that address issues from multiple areas relating to the harmful effects of pornography. Topics could include how to talk to children or teens about pornography, tools for those with addictions, hope and healing for partners and families of addicts, healthy sexuality, appropriate use of technology, recovery tools, and several others. We have a special interest in sessions directly for teens.  Other topics which we particularly hope to address at this conference include:

  • Women dealing with their own use of pornography/female addiction
  • A class for young people dealing with pornography use of a family member
  • Healthy boundaries for parents
  • How do boundaries in relationships enhance connection?
  • What is recovery?

Proposals must follow the guidelines below and may be submitted online using the call for proposals application.  Proposals are due November 8, 2019, by 11:59 PM Mountain Time. All presenters will be notified of their proposal status by close of business on December 9, 2019.

For questions or assistance contact info@utahcoalition.org.

Submission Criteria and Format:

  • Author(s)/Presenter(s) Name, Organization, and Contact Information
  • Biography: 100-word short biography of presenter
  • Curriculum Vitae for each presenter
  • Title of Presentation (20 words or less)
  • Target Audience description
  • Presentation Style (Lecture, Didactic, Experiential)
  • 500-word presentation description for review (abstract)
  • 200-word presentation description for publication (web, conference program)
  • Three measurable learning objectives.  Learning objectives should (1) focus on the learner, (2) contain action verbs that describe measurable behaviors, and (3) focus on skills and tools that can be applied quickly in their lives, homes or communities
  • Three APA formatted citations supporting your presentation from publications within the last 10 years
  • Three presenter references – individuals who can speak to your presentation style and ability to engage an audience  (required if first time UCAP presenter)
  • Five-minute video of presentation (required if first time UCAP presenter)

Proposals can be accepted two ways:

  1. Applicants can fill out the form and submit their information online.
  2. Applicants can download a document to complete and return.