There are many perspectives on pornography, but one thing nearly everyone believes is that children should not be exposed to it. If we all agree, then why do 93% of boys and 62% of girls encounter pornography by the time they are 18?*
Unfortunately government and corporations have not done all they could do to protect children, so it is up to us to be proactive and prepare children and teens to recognize the harm of sexualized media and turn away from it quickly and confidently.
This is such a critical issue that we are offering 7 classes at the UCAP Conference to help parents and leaders understand how to:
- Talk openly about issues of pornography and healthy sexuality
- Get a handle on technology
- Help young people heal from the effects of this hazard of modern life
Every parent who comes represents a child who will have a better chance to live free, safe, and happy.
Let’s invite all the parents and grandparents we know – together we can help a new generation rise up free from the problems of pornography, even in a society of no boundaries.
*Chiara Sabina, Janis Wolak, and David Finkelhor. CyberPsychology & Behavior. December 2008, 11(6): 691-693. doi:10.1089/cpb.2007.0179