5 Top Questions About the Problems with Porn

5 Top Questions About the Problems with Porn

5 Top Questions About the Problems With Porn 1. What is pornography? Pornography is media that clearly shows or describes nudity or sexual activities and is intended to create sexual feelings. (Dr. Jill C. Manning) It can be online or in video games, mobile apps,...
5 Top Questions About the Impact on Partners

5 Top Questions About the Impact on Partners

5 Top Questions About the Impact on Partners 1. If I have been using pornography or suspect that my spouse is, how can we talk about it? Marriages thrive on trust and honesty, and secretive pornography use damages the relationship. While disclosure is painful, it is...
5 Top Questions About Pornography Addiction and Recovery

5 Top Questions About Pornography Addiction and Recovery

5 Top Questions About Pornography Addiction and Recovery 1. What is pornography addiction? Did you know that therapists recognize that people can be addicted to behaviors as well as substances? Pornography addiction is a behavioral addiction characterized by...
5 Top Questions About Teaching Children and Teens

5 Top Questions About Teaching Children and Teens

5 Top Questions About Teaching Children and Teens 1. What if talking about pornography makes my child curious and they go look for it? Children are already naturally curious about their bodies, love, and sexuality. As they see and hear about these things from friends...
5 Top Questions About Community Action

5 Top Questions About Community Action

5 Top Questions About Community Action 1. Is pornography protected by the First Amendment? The First Amendment does not protect obscene pornography or child pornography. When the First Amendment was adopted, obscenity was determined to be “outside the protection...