Join us on Saturday, April 24, 2021
10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Mountain Time)
Since 2002 UCAP has been bringing to Utah one of the biggest anti-pornography conferences in the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted our annual conference schedule, but we are using this opportunity to re-examine how to reach as many Utahns as would benefit from the information we provide. This year’s conference will be a live streamed event featuring two keynote speakers with four short talk speakers between. We look forward to sharing this excellent experience with you.
Opening Keynote Speaker:
Sharon Eubank
President, Latter-day Saint Charities
Having Practical Conversations About Pornography that Reduce Shame and Bring Help
Ever wondered how to broach the subject of pornography with your kids, your spouse, your fiancé, your school, your legislator? Silence and isolation give it too much power. Come hear practical advice and real-life stories about families tackling pornography without shame. Explore resources from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints about having meaningful conversations with the people you love, in the communities where you live.
Sharon Eubank is the president of Latter-day Saint Charities which works in more than 2000 communities in 160 countries each year. Its focus is to accelerate community preparedness and recovery during emergencies and assure children’s access to health and education. Since April 2017, Sharon Eubank has served as first counselor in the general Relief Society presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Relief Society helps provide leadership and resources for 7.5 million people in 162 countries.
Closing Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Dave Schramm
Utah State University
3 Needs and 5 Keys for Creating Better Connections
We are all born with the three needs of Safety, Satisfaction, and Connection. For most, connection within family relationships bring some of the greatest joys and yet disconnection and digital distraction can bring painful heartache. We know that in particular, parent-child relationships are protective against problems with pornography. Drawing from his “positivity pyramid,” personal examples, and computer keyboard, Dr. Dave will share 5 science-backed “keys” for creating better connection between parents and children, including learning to become a first “RESPOND”er rather than a nuclear “REACT”or.
Known as “Dr. Dave” on campus and across the country, Dave Schramm is an associate professor at Utah State University in the department of Human Development and Family Studies. He appears on television monthly on Fox 13’s “The Place” and he shares tips and videos on social media to help individuals, parents, and couples thrive in their life journeys.
Speakers & Presentations
Salt Lake City 2021 – Opening Keynote Address: Having Practical Conversations about Pornography that Reduce Shame and Bring Help – Sharon Eubank
Salt Lake City 2021: Spiritual Roots of Attachment, Connection, and the Power of Relationships in Recovery – Dan Gray
Salt Lake City 2021: Keeping Kids Sexually Safe Through the Teaching of Healthy Sexuality – Christy Kane
Salt Lake City 2021: What Your Partner is Actually Saying: Cracking the Code of Communication in Marriage After Betrayal – Tyler Patrick
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